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Youth Soccer Coaching Models
1. The Play-Practice-Play Model "Tracyton's Preferred Method!"
The Play-Practice-Play coaching model emphasizes creating a game-like environment where players start
with a scrimmage or small-sided game. Afterward, the coach identifies specific teachable moments during
the game, and the team practices those skills. The session ends with another scrimmage, allowing players
to implement what they've learned in a game context.
2. WOLI - Warm-up, Orientation, Learning, and Implementation (U14+)
WOLI — WOLI, an acronym for Warm-up, Orientation, Learning, and Implementation, a structured training format comparable to Play-Practice-Play. The name itself highlights the different phases of a training session. WOLI involves presenting challenges to the team for them to solve collectively. This approach is particularly effective with older teams (U14+) where players have started to specialize in specific field positions.
Here is the 5 W's PDF.
3. The Guided Discovery Model "Exploring Soccer Knowledge!"
The Guided Discovery coaching model encourages players to learn through self-discovery. Instead of
providing all the answers, the coach asks open-ended questions, guiding players to explore and find
solutions on their own. This approach fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
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